• True Joy

    Sometimes I unexpectedly find myself in the midst of joy, and sometimes I find it hard to feel, or experience joy. It’s a perfectly normal part of the human experience, we have ups and downs. If you’d have seen me this morning, I was ugly crying with tears falling down my face, snot bubbles coming…

  • Fighting with your insecurities and winning.

    In my lifetime, I have had several different hairstyles and hair colours. Every single hairstyle brought out different levels of confidence. Some styles I loved and made me feel super confident; others didn’t turn out how I expected and made me feel insecure. Hair, for me and for a lot of people, is a big…

  • Why are you still trying to fit in?

    I have never been good with social cues, social skills, or following social rules. My entire life, I have always felt as if I’m playing catch-up with my peers. I remember looking to my peers for the “normal way to act and the “normal” things to say. It felt like once I started to understand…

  • The buckets in our homes

    In most African households, you’ll probably see at least two buckets.  Amongst the buckets, one will be used for hand washing clothes.    My Gogo (grandmother) always used to say the washing machine doesn’t do as good of a job as hand washing.  She would also tell me that specific clothes are not meant for the…

  • Keep loving you 🫶🏽

  • Welcome

    I’m Chidochashe, the writer on this blog. my own personal stories and experiences are what inspired this blog. YES!, I’m so in love with me is definitely a vanity project but it’s more than that. It’s about loving yourself inside and out. Self love is not something you just pick up and put down, it’s…

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