Why are you still trying to fit in?

I have never been good with social cues, social skills, or following social rules. My entire life, I have always felt as if I’m playing catch-up with my peers.

I remember looking to my peers for the “normal way to act and the “normal” things to say. It felt like once I started to understand enough to socialise with everybody, the bar had changed, and I was still the wacky, weird, awkward girl.


One day, I was tired of playing catch-up. 

I decided I’d fake it till I made it, and it worked. I laughed at all the jokes I didn’t understand, I participated in most of the activities I had zero interest in, and I became who my peers expected me to be. I was aware that I wasn’t being my true authentic self, but I was finally blending in with my peers.

 I was invited into most of the conversations, activities, and social events. It was then apparent that I was no longer the wacky, weird girl. Even with the acceptance of my peers, I was not happy or comfortable. In fact, I was more on edge than before. Act like them, dress like them, talk like them, reason like them, and forget myself. Something about that just didn’t seem right. I was sacrificing loving and knowing myself better just to fit in. 


Every now and again, my cluelessness in social situations would show; sometimes simply being myself in those moments would benefit me, and other times I was labelled strange. 


As I grew older and formed genuine relationships, I realised there were certain people I felt more comfortable around and others not so much. 

Certain people just had a genuineness I couldn’t understand. I appreciated these people for so many reasons, one of which was that they gave me space to be myself. 

The people who weren’t quick to label me—these individuals made me feel as though I could drop the facade and simply be myself. Whoever that person was at the time.


The greatest thing about being your authentic self is getting to know yourself better, developing yourself, and captivating people who honestly appreciate you for who you are.  When you put on a facade, you’ll never truly find yourself because you’re too busy being somebody else. The journey of self-discovery is a continuous one, and that’s the best part of it all. 


It’s easy to get wrapped up in who the world says you are and how society labels you, but do not!


Do not fall into the trap. 


When I’m feeling misrepresented or misunderstood, I like to remind myself of who God says I am. 

I am the head, and I’m not the tail, meaning I don’t follow; I lead (Deuteronomy 28:13). 

I praise God because I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14–16).

Meaning there’s not one mistake in me, not in my appearance or personality. 

Lastly, this Bible verse is my favourite. In all things, we are more than conquerors through him who loves us. (Romans 8:37). 


Every label or representation society has put on you is none of your concern. 

To conclude I’m not a wacky, weird, awkward, or strange girl, and I never have been. I needed to get to know myself better to stop underestimating myself. God already proclaimed greatness over my life before I was even born, and it’s time for me to do the same.

As long as you know who God says you are and who you want to be, nothing or nobody can stop you. 

Say it with me. 

I can achieve anything, and I will achieve everything as my true authentic self. 

 You can achieve anything, and you will achieve everything by being your true authentic self. 

To the Lord, my father, thank you for reminding me of who I am whenever I start to forget. 

To the friends I have, old and new, I thank you for being you and allowing me to be me. 



Peace and blessings 🫶🏽🌹




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